Builds failing due to DB import failure
Incident Report for Probo.CI
We have not seen any other builds failing due to this issue, so we are marking it resolved. Please let us know if you encounter any other issues related to this incident in our Slack chat or through Zendesk.
Posted Nov 13, 2017 - 16:21 EST
The database prefix fix has been deployed at this time. We will continue to monitor incoming builds for a bit to ensure the issue is completely resolved. Thanks to our users on Slack who initially reported the problem, and helped test the workaround, we were able to get a quick turnaround on the fix.
Posted Nov 13, 2017 - 14:00 EST
Builds are currently paused while we wait for some builds that are currently running to finish so we can deploy the fix. Once the database prefix fix is deployed builds that were submitted during this time should be placed in queue to start building when Probo is back online.
Posted Nov 13, 2017 - 13:54 EST
We have identified this issue as a variable missing a default value that was deployed this morning. We are working on testing a fix now. Probo users running the Drupal Plugin should be the only users affected by this incident.

Probo Drupal Plugin users should add the following line to their Drupal plugin steps as a workaround until we have deployed a fix.

databasePrefix: ''
Posted Nov 13, 2017 - 12:41 EST
We are investigating an issue reported by a Probo user that appears to be related to DB imports on builds and is causing builds to fail.
Posted Nov 13, 2017 - 12:24 EST